How to mint NFT
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Last updated
Airdrop which is a one of the stage from Drops should be deployed from Dapp Portal side with signer address. Mini Dapps who want to airdrop NFT must request to register Drops via Ops Support channel.
Please NOTE that the execution times of the airdrop stage and other stages within Drops MUST NOT overlap because the airdrop execution is implemented as one of the stages within Drops. Please ensure the minting process is completed as below guied before Drops begins.
Signer of airdrop stage can transfer transction with directly hosting 'mintSigned' for the contract.
You can mint NFT if the transaction is confirmed.
function mintSigned()
You can create signature following below function.
nftContract - contract adress for NFT collection
minterIfNotPyer - wallet address to be received NFT for mint. It can be same with signer address or another address
quantity - NFT amount to mint
MintParams - It is related in information of airdrop stage, refer to below. - - This parameter can be delivered from Ops team after setting airdrop stage.
Details (It will be delivered from Ops support channel if you submit information for Airdrop stage)
salt - You need to it create signature for next step. It must be recreated with each function call because it's a value for just one-time.
signature - EIP signature with the parameters above.
primaryType - 'SignedMint'.
minter - wallet address to be received NFT for mint. It can be same with signer address or another address
Set parameter for EIP712Domain
name- "Next Drop"
version - "1"
chainId - Production : 8217 | Testnet : 1001
verifyingContract - contract address deployed as 'drop router' already
'mintSigned' function is for 'drop router's contract.
Set quantity * price(in kei) for value when you create transaction
collection - 0xf8f22bb6a6dbb2219f762162c1dbd4e917816ef1
drop router contract - 0x7a766037653d055821fecd501c5c40a02cfffe57
signer - 0xc92aca8530b5e3c9d1819ebe94367b7444026fc1
minter - 0x340a32ef7263836adf87dc8941621a78443973f5
How to host Meta/ImageUri?
You can choose one of the ways below.
Submit 'csv' flie for airdrop information with Meta data if you have imageURI server to upload NFT images.
Submit image files with Meta data without file_name column to Ops Support channel. Dapp Partal can upload the images you've submitted to internal server and host them when mint NFT.
Please follow Collection & Drios guide >