Launching Promotion
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Launching Promotion is a limited-time special promotion to promote Mini Dapps onboarding to the Dapp Portal. LINE NEXT & Kaia Foundation prepare missions that provide points by running your Mini Dapp and reward 1 $KAIA for every 3 mission stamps!
Get ready for the opportunity to promote your Mini Dapp to more glober users based on LINE Messenger.
Accumulate Point
Users who access Launching Promotion page of Dapp Portal, can find various Mini Dapp who provides their own points as special reward. They can easily complete the mission by just clicking the button.
Confirm point accumulation
Users who have completed accumulating points will be directed to the Mini Dapp's points claim page through the confirmation of point accmulation. This way, they will be able to fully complete one mission.
In this step, LIFF URL must be linked to buttun of 'Confirm'. So Mini Dapps, who have plan to join Launching Promotion, should build a page or modal. (UI of the screen can follows the policies of the Mini Dapp and users should only be able to claim the promised points when landing that LIFF URL.)
Distribute Point
Mini Dapps should distribute a point when users access the LIFF URL. There is no need to provide any response or callback to Launching Promotion page.
Distribute $KAIA
LINE NEXT & Kaia Foundation will distribute $KAIA to users as reward for completion of Mission. Users can get 1 $KAIA for 3 mission stamps.