Green > Mandatory to be applied to Mini Dapp's code
Blue > Optional to be applied Mini Dapp's code if Mini Dapp need to new function.
Release Date
January 20th, 2025
Back End
Improved response so that clients can clearly aware for the cancellation and closing options of the popup.
Added payment status change webhook.
Improved parameters of createPayment
Disallow whitespace charaters in lockUrl and unlockUrl
You need to include lockUrl, unlockUrl as null even if you have no data to this field
Added validation check for Urls
Added paymentStatusChangeCallbackUrl
confirmCallbackUrl can be used up to version 1.2.0.
only 'false' can be used for testMode
Fixed price bug for payment history page
Improved response so that clients can clearly aware for the cancellation and closing options of the popup.
Fixed UI bug if Mini Dapp name includes character of '
Mini Dapp SDK
Improved response so that clients can clearly aware for the cancellation and closing options of the popup.
Fixed UI bug if Mini Dapp name includes character of '
Fixed z-index onto popup to proceed sign if bocked
This z-index set as '9999999'. Please set your z-index for any popup under '9999999' to avoid conflicting between popup's.
Improved for connecting Mobile App Wallet
Improved response time for some iOS.
Added OKX wallet option
Improved error codes so that the Mini Dapp can clearly aware the payment cancellation/failure.
Mobile, Extension
personal_sign() is supported.
Last updated